Flag of Belgium






Belgium former temporary series 189497.jpg (23 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. 1994-2000 plate style. Rear plate with stickers. Blue stickers = Taxes paid. Year sticker (not embossed) = Foreign military personnel (SHAPE). Expired end of September 2000.

Belgium former temporary series 460400.jpg (23 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. 1994-2000 plate style. Rear plate with stickers. Red stickers = Tax free. Year sticker (not embossed) = Foreign military personnel (SHAPE). Expired end of February 2001.

Belgium former temporary series 158445.jpg (28 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. Front plate. Month sticker on the rear plate. With embossed year = Transit plate. Expired in 1997.

Belgium former temporary series 176561.jpg (17 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. 1994-2000 plate style. Rear plate with sticker. Blue sticker = Taxes paid. With embossed year = Transit plate. Expired end of September 1997.

Belgium former temporary series 551314.jpg (28 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. 2000-10 plate style. Rear plate with official seal. Blue sticker = Taxes paid. Expired end of September 2003.

Belgium former temporary series 535431.jpg (24 kB)
Temporary series 1994-2010. 2000-10 plate style. Rear plate with official seal. Red sticker = Tax free. Expired end of October 2002.

Belgium former foreign personnel series 921493.jpg (47 kB)
Temporary series for international organizations and foreign military personnel (SHAPE) 2001-10. Front plate without sticker.

Belgium former foreign personnel series 926760.jpg (51 kB)
Belgium close-up of the EU-stars with month and year of expiry (27 kB)
Temporary series for international organizations and foreign military personnel (SHAPE) 2001-10. Expires end of July 2009. White lettering on the sticker = Tax free.

Belgium former foreign personnel series 906089.jpg (28 kB)Belgium close-up of the EU-stars with month and year of expiry (7 kB)
Temporary series for international organizations and foreign military personnel (SHAPE) 2001-10. Expired end of July 2003. Yellow lettering on the sticker = Taxes paid.

Belgium former foreign personnel series motorcycle 981851.jpg (143 kB)
Belgium former foreign personnel series motorcycle close-up 981851.jpg (123 kB)
Temporary series for international organizations and foreign military personnel (SHAPE) 2001-10. Motorcycle. Expires end of March 2012. White lettering on the date sticker = Tax free.

Belgian Forces in Germany motorcycle former style B 013 U.jpg (31 kB)
Private vehicles of Belgian Forces in Germany. This series in use since 1958. Motorcycle. 1962-2007 plate style. B = Belgian Forces in Germany.


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