Normal series 1971-73, transferred to a new vehicle. No coding.

Normal series 1962-71, transferred to a new vehicle. Remade in 1973-97 plate style. No coding.

Normal series 1953-62, transferred to a new vehicle. Remade in 1999-2008 plate style. No coding.

Normal series 1962-71, transferred to a new vehicle. Remade in 1999-2008 plate style. No coding.

Normal series 1971-73, transferred to a new vehicle. Remade in 2008-10 plate style. No coding.
This shows the typical Belgian plate frames. Because of the short plates there was room for
advertising for the car dealer on the left and the nationality letter B on the right.

Normal series 1953-62, transferred to a new vehicle. No coding. Front plate with euroband, seen
since around 1996. Belgian front plates are owner provided and appeared in a variety of styles.
Eurobands were legal before officially issued plates had them.

Normal series 1953-62, transferred to a new vehicle. No coding. Front plate with euroband, seen
since around 1996. Belgian front plates are owner provided and appeared in a variety of styles.
Eurobands were legal before officially issued plates had them.

Normal series 1962-71, transferred to a new vehicle. No coding. Front plate with euroband, seen
since around 1996. Belgian front plates are owner provided and appeared in a variety of styles.
Eurobands were legal before officially issued plates had them.

Normal series 1973-2008. 1973-97 plate style. No coding. This shows the typical Belgian plate
frames. Because of the short plates there was room for advertising for the car dealer on the left and
the nationality letter B on the right.

Normal series 1973-2008. 1997-99 plate style (hyphen instead of period in the middle). No coding.
Former Belgian plates were so short that square plates were not necessary, even for Land Rovers.

Normal series 1973-2008. 1999-2010 plate style. No coding. This shows the typical Belgian plate
frames. Because of the short plates there was room for advertising for the car dealer on the left and
the nationality letter B on the right.

Normal series 1973-2008. No coding.
Front plate with euroband, seen since around 1996. Belgian front plates are owner provided and
appeared in a variety of styles. Eurobands were legal before officially issued plates had them.

Normal series 2008-10. No coding.

Normal series 2008-10. No coding.
Front plate with euroband, seen since around 1996. Belgian front plates are owner provided and
appeared in a variety of styles. Eurobands were legal before officially issued plates had them.

Public service vehicle 1953-62, transferred to a new vehicle. P = Public service vehicle.

Public service vehicle 1953-62, transferred to a new vehicle. P = Public service vehicle.

Personalised series 1994-2010. 1973-97 plate style. No coding.
Owners could choose five or six characters from former normal series.

Personalised series 1994-2010. 1999-2008 plate style. No coding. Owners could choose
five or six characters from former normal series. In this case PT = Patro Tours.

Trailer series 1990-2001. 1973-97 plate style. U = Trailer (1990-2001).

Trailer series 1990-2001. 1999-2001 plate style. The first U = Trailer (1990-2001).

Trailer series 2001-10. 2001-10 plate style. Q = Trailer (since 2001).