Two-line plates are denoted with a / at the line break


9S3 1899 Normal series since 2001. 2004 onwards plate style. S = Středočeský kraj.

9S3 1899 Close-up of the above.

8AN 2735 Normal series in some districts since 2009 (2008 for trailers). 2004 onwards plate style. A = Praha city.

8AN 2735 Close-up of the above.

1AD A808 Normal series in some districts since 2023, first in Praha city. 2004 onwards plate style. The first A = Praha city.

1AD A808 Close-up of the above.

NIK 0LA16 Personalised series since 2016. No coding.

NIK 0LA16 Close-up of the above.

E 2865 Trade plate series since 1984. 2004 onwards plate style. E = Pardubický kraj.

E 2865 Close-up of the above.

F 5327 Test plate series since 1984. 2004 onwards plate style. F = Manufacturers plates.

214 78-35 Military series since 1987. 2004 onwards plate style. Black on white = Cars and motorcycles.

214 78-35 Close-up of the above.


MBS 93-97 Normal series 1960-2001. Since 1966 with a third letter in some provinces. 1986-94 plate style. MB = Mladá Boleslav. The Skoda factory in Mladá Boleslav had the MBS block reserved, apparently for test drives, sponsor vehicles and similar. Either plates in this block can be transferred between vehicles or else they had a large stock of plates in the old style, for five years after the new style plates were introduced this brand new car had old style plates.

1S2 7249 Normal series since 2001. 2001-04 plate style. S = Středočeský kraj. With the unofficial addition of a euroband.

1H3/5698 Normal series since 2001. 2001-04 plate style. H = Královéhradecký kraj.

TU-92-01 Commercial series 1960-98. 1953-86 plate style. TU = Trutnov.

CR/86-33 Commercial series 1960-98. 1953-86 plate style. CR = Chrudim.

KIA-36-91 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1953-86 plate style. KI = Karviná.

MOA/46-94 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1953-86 plate style. MO = Most.

LN 97-79 Commercial series 1960-98. 1986-94 plate style. LN = Louny.

KO/90-90 Commercial series 1960-98. 1986-94 plate style. KO = Kolín.

CBA 17-31 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1986-94 plate style. CB = České Budějovice.

CBA 17-31 Close-up of the above.

BNA/56-66 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1986-94 plate style. BN = Benešov.

JE/00-13 Commercial series 1960-98. 1994-2001 plate style. JE = Jeseník (since 1996).

CVA 37-16 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate style. CV = Chomutov.

BSD/21-22 Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate style. BS = Brno town.

HOK 16-96 Commercial series 1998-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. Numbering blocks from the normal series were used. HO = Hodonín.

HOK 16-96 Close-up of the above.

OCO/58-91 Commercial series 1998-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. Numbering blocks from the normal series were used. OC = Olomouc.

ME/76-32 Commercial trailer series 1960-98. 1986-94 plate style. ME = Mělník.

ME/76-32 Close-up of the above.

TP 65-51 Commercial trailer series 1960-98. 1994-2001 plate style. TP = Teplice.

PRA 01-97 Commercial trailer series 1960-98. Since the early 1980s with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate style. PR = Přerov.

PRA 01-97 Close-up of the above.

99-BM-73 Small trailer for hire series 1984-98. 1984-86 plate style. Red on white = For hire. Numbering blocks from the normal small trailer series were used. BM = Brno town.

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