Flag of Germany







Germany normal series HAL LE 587.jpg (33 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. HAL = Halle a.d. Saale (since 1991). This plate spells out the town name.

Germany normal series LDK KJ 912.jpg (24 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. LDK = Lahn-Dill-Kreis (since 1991).

Germany normal series MOL NQ 657.jpg (123 kB)
Germany normal series close-up MOL NQ 657.jpg (58 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. MOL = Märkisch-Oderland (since 1994).

Germany normal series STD BB 154.jpg (21 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. STD = Stade.

Germany normal series BOR HD 115.jpg (15 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. BOR = Borken.

Germany normal series COE JE 666.jpg (22 kB)
Normal series since 1956. 1995 onwards plate style. COE = Coesfeld.

Germany seasonal plate E U 884.jpg (25 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. E = Essen. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate Z HR 12.jpg (20 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. Z = Zwickau (since 1991). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate B UK 62.jpg (21 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate R JX 29.jpg (46 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. R = Regensburg. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate B TS 384.jpg (20 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. Valid from April 1st until end of September.

Germany seasonal plate B HW 4062.jpg (21 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. Valid from March 1st until end of November.

Germany seasonal plate GÜ T 9.jpg (159 kB)
Germany seasonal plate close-up GÜ T 9.jpg (79 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GÜ = Güstrow (1991-2012 and optionally since 2013). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate FG U 48.jpg (23 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FG = Freiberg (1991-2008). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate HZ M 946.jpg (85 kB)
Germany seasonal plate close-up HZ M 946.jpg (50 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HZ = Harz (since 2007). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate OB Z 157.jpg (23 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OB = Oberhausen. Valid from March 1st until end of September.

Germany seasonal plate HH H 1756.jpg (19 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. Unusually, this is valid in the winter and spring from December 1st until end of June.

Germany seasonal plate KA C 2989.jpg (26 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KA = Karlsruhe. Valid from May 1st until end of November.

Germany seasonal plate PF P 6909.jpg (47 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. PF = Enzkreis (Pforzheim). Valid from December 1st until end of October, i.e. all year except November.

Germany seasonal plate UM SP 2.jpg (23 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. UM = Uckermark (since 1994). Valid from May 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate KM HV 5.jpg (27 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KM = Kamenz (1991-2008). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate FI AT 41.jpg (114 kB)
Germany seasonal plate close-up FI AT 41.jpg (35 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FI = Finsterwalde (1991-94 and optionally since 2013). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate SE BX 84.jpg (20 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SE = Segeberg. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate RW EJ 54.jpg (22 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RW = Rottweil. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate DD YQ 605.jpg (111 kB)
Germany seasonal plate close-up DD YQ 605.jpg (60 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. DD = Dresden (since 1991). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

Germany seasonal plate HH RS 278.jpg (154 kB)
Germany seasonal plate close-up HH RS 278.jpg (54 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. Unusually, this is valid in the autumn and winter from October 1st until end of March.

Germany seasonal plate OF JB 972.jpg (23 kB)
Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OF = Offenbach. Valid from August 1st until end of September.


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