GERMANY (D) page 2



Two-line plates are denoted with a / at the line break



SE BK 84 03/12 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SE = Segeberg. Valid from March 1st until end of December.

SE BK 84 03/12 Close-up of the above.

FI AT 41 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FI = Finsterwalde (1991-94 and optionally since 2013). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

FI AT 41 04/10 Close-up of the above.

SE BX 84 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SE = Segeberg. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

CW 04/11 /PI 17 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. CW = Calw. Valid from April 1st until end of November.

CW 04/11 /PI 17 Close-up of the above.

RW 04/10 /EJ 54 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RW = Rottweil. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

HH HY 998 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

HH HY 998 04/10 Close-up of the above.

DD YQ 605 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. DD = Dresden (since 1991). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

DD YQ 605 03/10 Close-up of the above.

HH RS 278 10/03 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. Unusually, this is valid in the autumn and winter from October 1st until end of March.

HH RS 278 10/03 Close-up of the above.

OF JB 972 08/09 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OF = Offenbach. Valid from August 1st until end of September.

TR KM 739 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. TR = Trier. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

HH 03/11 /DU 400 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. Valid from March 1st until end of November.

HH 03/11 /DU 400 Close-up of the above.

GF 04/10 /AR 692 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GF = Gifhorn. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

WL/GT 550 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. WL = Harburg (Winsen (Luhe)). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

WL/GT 550 04/10 Close-up of the above.

SU/MJ 215 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. SU = Rhein-Sieg-Kreis (Siegburg). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

DEL L 1 05/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. DEL = Delmenhorst. Valid from May 1st until end of October.

BBG/E 5 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. BBG = Bernburg (1991-2007). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

MST J 623 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MST = Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1994-2013 and optionally since 2013). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

MST J 623 04/10 Close-up of the above.

MKK A 401 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MKK = Main- Kinzig-Kreis (since 2005). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

MKK A 401 04/10 Close-up of the above.

SIM R 267 01/04 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SIM = Rhein- Hunsrück-Kreis (Simmern). Unusually, this is valid in the winter and spring from January 1st until end of April.

SIM R 267 01/04 Close-up of the above.

SÖM Z 443 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SÖM = Sömmerda (since 1991). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

DAU 04/10 /E 514 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. DAU = Daun. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

MST RC 2 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MST = Mecklenburg-Strelitz (since 1994). Valid from April 1st until end of October.

MST RC 2 04/10 Close-up of the above.

NOL CF 5 03/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. NOL = Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis (1994-2008). Valid from March 1st until end of October.

BOR 03/10 /GP 6 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. BOR = Borken. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

BOR 03/10 /GP 6 Close-up of the above.

LOS 04/09 /VG 4 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. LOS = Landkreis Oder-Spree (since 1994). Valid from April 1st until end of September.

HDH FN 33 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HDH = Heidenheim. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

HDH FN 33 04/10 Close-up of the above.

WES GC 42 04/10 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. WES = Wesel. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

CHA 03/10 /XH 24 Seasonal plate, since 1997. Registration from the normal series. CHA = Cham. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

B A 36 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. H = Historisch.

H V 256 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. The first H = Hannover. The last H = Historisch.

H V 256 H Close-up of the above.

A H 3000 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. A = Augsburg. The last H = Historisch. Austin-Healey 3000.

A H 3000 H Close-up of the above.

B H 5511 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. The last H = Historisch.

F D 2107 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. F = Frankfurt am Main. H = Historisch.

K W 1733 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. K = Köln. H = Historisch.

K W 1733 H Close-up of the above.

F VG 1 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. F = Frankfurt am Main. H = Historisch.

W/CJ 4 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. W = Wuppertal. H = Historisch.

W/CJ 4 H Close-up of the above.

C VW 82 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. C = Chemnitz (since 1991). H = Historisch. A Volkswagen of year model 1982.

C VW 82 H Close-up of the above.

M FJ 56 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. M = München. H = Historisch.

M FJ 56 H Close-up of the above.

B XL 823 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. H = Historisch.

B XL 823 H Close-up of the above.

B GL 515 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. H = Historisch.

K BM 679 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. K = Köln. H = Historisch.

K BM 679 H Close-up of the above.

M AH 464 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. M = München. The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey.

M AH 464 H Close-up of the above.

B/VW 385 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. H = Historisch.

B/VW 385 H Close-up of the above.

B/LJ 879 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. H = Historisch.

S/CH 346 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. S = Stuttgart. The last H = Historisch.

S/CH 346 H Close-up of the above.

A FJ 1878 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. A = Augsburg. H = Historisch.

A FJ 1878 H Close-up of the above.

F UK 1407 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. F = Frankfurt am Main. H = Historisch.

SO Y 8 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SO = Soest. H = Historisch.

RS-T 7 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RS = Remscheid. H = Historisch. This plate is made in the old style, which is not really allowed for historical plates.

RS-T 7 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RS = Remscheid. H = Historisch. This is the rear plate of the above, made in the old style, but with new style lettering.

PI/Z 1 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. PI = Pinneberg. H = Historisch.

FB E 10 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FB = Wetteraukreis (Friedberg). H = Historisch.

FB E 10 H Close-up of the above.

OS G 42 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OS = Osnabrück. H = Historisch.

OD/I 35 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OD = Stormarn (Bad Oldesloe). H = Historisch.

IZ/J 28 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. IZ = Steinburg/Itzehoe. H = Historisch.

IZ/J 28 H Close-up of the above.

RD/S 82 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. RD = Rendsburg-Eckernförde. H = Historisch.

MR T 278 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MR = Marburg- Biedenkopf. H = Historisch.

MR T 278 H Close-up of the above.

KA C 749 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KA = Karlsruhe. H = Historisch.

KA C 749 H Close-up of the above.

MB W 315 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MB = Miesbach. H = Historisch.

NR E 889 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. NR = Neuwied (Rhein). H = Historisch.

NR E 889 H Close-up of the above.

OH R 660 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OH = Ostholstein. The last H = Historisch.

LG/M 720 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. LG = Lüneburg. H = Historisch.

LG/M 720 H Close-up of the above.

HL/L 111 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HL = Hansestadt Lübeck. The last H = Historisch.

DU/I 343 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. DU = Duisburg. H = Historisch.

DU/I 343 H Close-up of the above.

GF V 1967 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GF = Gifhorn. H = Historisch.

GF V 1967 H Close-up of the above.

HD C 1689 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HD = Heidelberg. The last H = Historisch.

HD C 1689 H Close-up of the above.

OH H 1964 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OH = Ostholstein. The last H = Historisch.

OH H 1964 H Close-up of the above.

RO K 7140 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RO = Rosenheim. H = Historisch.

RO K 7140 H Close-up of the above.

HH/B 1934 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. The last H = Historisch.

KN VE 4 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KN = Konstanz. H = Historisch.

KN VE 4 H Close-up of the above.

AB BN 7 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. AB = Aschaffenburg. H = Historisch.

AB BN 7 H Close-up of the above.

FÜ MT 2 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FÜ = Fürth. H = Historisch.

FÜ MT 2 H Close-up of the above.

NF QZ 9 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. NF = Nordfriesland. H = Historisch.

NF QZ 9 H Close-up of the above.

SO PB 3 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SO = Soest. H = Historisch.

UM/JD 7 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. UM = Uckermark. H = Historisch.

UM/JD 7 H Close-up of the above.

RZ AH 33 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RZ = Herzogtum Lauenburg (Ratzeburg). The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey.

RZ AH 33 H Close-up of the above.

BS MG 75 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. BS = Braunschweig. H = Historisch.

BS MG 75 H Close-up of the above.

GI NW 88 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GI = Gießen. H = Historisch.

GI NW 88 H Close-up of the above.

GL YC 76 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GL = Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis. H = Historisch.

GL YC 76 H Close-up of the above.

OG HY 55 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OG = Ortenaukreis (Offenburg). The last H = Historisch.

OG HY 55 H Close-up of the above.

SO WW 50 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SO = Soest. H = Historisch.

WI AH 46 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. WI = Wiesbaden. The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey.

WI AH 46 H Close-up of the above.

WI BN 70 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. WI = Wiesbaden. H = Historisch.

WI BN 70 H Close-up of the above.

FO/CK 27 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FO = Forchheim/Ofr. H = Historisch.

FO/CK 27 H Close-up of the above.

BM/RR 26 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. BM = Rhein-Erft- Kreis (Bergheim). H = Historisch.

MK/VW 98 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. MK = Märkischer Kreis. H = Historisch.

TE/LT 10 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. TE = Tecklenburg (until 1974 and optionally since 2013). H = Historisch.

TE/LT 10 H Close-up of the above.

UN/IN 47 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. UN = Unna. H = Historisch.

UN/IN 47 H Close-up of the above.

BF/SE 88 H Historical series since 1997. Motorcycle size. Registration from the normal series. BF = Burgsteinfurt (until 1974 and optionally since 2013). H = Historisch.

BF/SE 88 H Close-up of the above.

OH MB 240 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OH = Ostholstein. The last H = Historisch.

OH MB 240 H Close-up of the above.

DD ZQ 129 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. DD = Dresden (since 1991). H = Historisch.

DD ZQ 129 H Close-up of the above.

HH CV 729 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. The last H = Historisch.

HN TC 383 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HN = Heilbronn am Neckar. The last H = Historisch.

KA VW 676 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KA = Karlsruhe. H = Historisch.

KA VW 676 H Close-up of the above.

OF AH 106 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OF = Offenbach. The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey.

OF AH 106 H Close-up of the above.

RZ AH 159 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. RZ = Herzogtum Lauenburg (Ratzeburg). The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey.

RZ AH 159 H Close-up of the above.

FG/CV 224 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FG = Landkreis Mittelsachsen (Freiberg) (since 2008). H = Historisch.

FG/CV 224 H Close-up of the above.

OF/DH 614 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. OF = Offenbach. The last H = Historisch.

TF/DB 677 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. TF = Teltow-Fläming (since 1994). H = Historisch.

TF/DB 677 H Close-up of the above.

KLE B 5 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. KLE = Kleve. H = Historisch.

PER/A 1 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. PER = Perleberg (1991-93). H = Historisch.

CAS E 31 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. CAS = Castrop- Rauxel (until 1974 and optionally since 2012). H = Historisch.

CAS E 31 H Close-up of the above.

WHV W 38 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. WHV = Wilhelmshaven. The last H = Historisch.

PIR O 303 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. PIR = Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge (since 2008; 1991-2008: Sächsische Schweiz). H = Historisch.

PIR O 303 H Close-up of the above.

MED/W 107 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. MED = Süderdithmarschen (Meldorf) (until 1970 and optionally since 2015). H = Historisch.

MED/W 107 H Close-up of the above.

SOB/C 337 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. SOB = Schrobenhausen (until 1973 and optionally since 2013). H = Historisch.

SOB/C 337 H Close-up of the above.

SIM BN 7 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. SIM = Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis (Simmern). H = Historisch.

SIM BN 7 H Close-up of the above.

VER GK 1 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. VER = Verden. H = Historisch.

WAF VV 5 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. WAF = Warendorf. H = Historisch.

CUX/NO 9 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. CUX = Cuxhaven. H = Historisch.

CUX/NO 9 H Close-up of the above.

AIC/VD 1 H Historical series since 1997. Small size. Registration from the normal series. AIC = Aichach-Friedberg. H = Historisch.

AIC/VD 1 H Close-up of the above.

HVL KK 11 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. HVL = Havelland (since 1994). The last H = Historisch.

HVL KK 11 H Close-up of the above.

FRI SL 75 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. FRI = Friesland in Jever. H = Historisch.

GAP GM 91 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. GAP = Garmisch- Partenkirchen. H = Historisch.

LEV CJ 12 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. LEV = Leverkusen. H = Historisch.

LEV CJ 12 H Close-up of the above.

TUT BS 65 H Historical series since 1997. Registration from the normal series. TUT = Tuttlingen. H = Historisch.

TUT BS 65 H Close-up of the above.

H P 8202 H 03/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. The first H = Hannover. The last H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

H P 8202 H 03/10 Close-up of the above.

M JM 188 H 03/11 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. The first M = München. H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of November.

M JM 188 H 03/11 Close-up of the above.

D QE 115 H 03/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. D = Düsseldorf. H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

D QE 115 H 03/10 Close-up of the above.

DD C 86 H 05/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. DD = Dresden (since 1991). H = Historisch. Valid from May 1st until end of October.

DD C 86 H 05/10 Close-up of the above.

KG E 890 H 04/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. KG = Bad Kissingen. H = Historisch. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

KG E 890 H 04/10 Close-up of the above.

WM Q 310 H 03/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. WM = Weilheim-Schongau. H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

WM Q 310 H 03/10 Close-up of the above.

LH VW 67 H 04/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. LH = Lüdinghausen (until 1974 and optionally since 2014). The last H = Historisch. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

LH VW 67 H 04/10 Close-up of the above.

BM AH 56 H 04/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. BM = Rhein-Erft-Kreis (Bergheim). The last H = Historisch. AH = Austin-Healey. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

BM AH 56 H 04/10 Close-up of the above.

SE 04/10 /IT 83 H Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. SE = Segeberg. H = Historisch. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

SE 04/10 /IT 83 H Close-up of the above.

ALZ VW 5 H 05/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. ALZ = Alzenau (Unterfranken) (until 1973 and optionally since 2013). H = Historisch. Valid from May 1st until end of October.

ALZ VW 5 H 05/10 Close-up of the above.

DIL KD 3 H 03/11 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. DIL = Dillenburg (until 1976 and optionally since 2014). H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of November.

LDS SC 8 H 03/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. LDS = Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald (since 1994). H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

LDS SC 8 H 03/10 Close-up of the above.

NDH HB 3 H 04/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. NDH = Nordhausen (since 1991). The last H = Historisch. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

NDH HB 3 H 04/10 Close-up of the above.

NEN 04/10 /TS 4 H Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Registration from the normal series. NEN = Neunburg vorm Wald (until 1973 and optionally since 2013). H = Historisch. Valid from April 1st until end of October.

NEN 04/10 /TS 4 H Close-up of the above.

PIR/YJ 1 H 03/10 Seasonal historical series, since 2018. Small size. Registration from the normal series. PIR = Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge (since 2008; 1991-2008: Sächsische Schweiz). H = Historisch. Valid from March 1st until end of October.

PIR/YJ 1 H 03/10 Close-up of the above.

OG B 182 2 Transferable plate series since 2012. Registration from the normal series. OG = Ortenaukreis (Offenburg). W = Wechselkennzeichen. The small part with '2' on it stays with this vehicle while the main plate can be transfered to another vehicle.

OG B 182 2 Close-up of the above.

NR DK 46 0 Transferable plate series since 2012. Registration from the normal series. NR = Neuwied (Rhein). W = Wechselkennzeichen. The small part with '0' on it stays with this vehicle while the main plate can be transfered to another vehicle.

NR DK 46 0 Close-up of the above.

D A 148 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. D = Düsseldorf. E = Electric.

D A 148 E Close-up of the above.

D A 2209 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. D = Düsseldorf. E = Electric.

D A 2209 E Close-up of the above.

A TS 770 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. A = Augsburg. E = Electric.

A TS 770 E Close-up of the above.

B HB 1611 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. B = Berlin. E = Electric.

B HB 1611 E Close-up of the above.

WG C 18 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. WG = Wangen (Allgäu)(until 1972 and optionally since 2020). E = Electric.

WG C 18 E Close-up of the above.

BI D 959 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. BI = Bielefeld. E = Electric.

BI D 959 E Close-up of the above.

HH Q 8653 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. E = Electric.

HH Q 8653 E Close-up of the above.

FR Q 3190 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. FR = Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. E = Electric.

FR Q 3190 E Close-up of the above.

HH E 8554 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. The last E = Electric.

HH E 8554 E Close-up of the above.

RE A 9094 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. RE = Recklinghausen. The last E = Electric.

RE A 9094 E Close-up of the above.

FN EL 3 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. FN = Bodenseekreis (Friedrichshafen). The last E = Electric.

FN EL 3 E Close-up of the above.

LP DR 31 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. LP = Lippstadt (until 1974 and optional since 2012). E = Electric.

LP DR 31 E Close-up of the above.

MH OB 23 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. MH = Mülheim an der Ruhr. E = Electric.

MH OB 23 E Baggage rack plate of the above. With a handwritten E suffix.

TE MH 800 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. TE = Tecklenburg (until 1974 and optional since 2013). The last E = Electric.

TE MH 800 E Close-up of the above.

HH ES 666 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. The last E = Electric.

HH HA 823 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. HH = Hansestadt Hamburg. E = Electric.

HH HA 823 E Close-up of the above.

HU TE 514 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. HU = Main-Kinzig-Kreis (Hanau). The last E = Electric.

HU TE 514 E Close-up of the above.

HU TE 514 E Raised plastic lettering from

VEC L 422 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. VEC = Vechta. E = Electric.

VEC L 422 E Close-up of the above.

ROW M 522 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. ROW = Rotenburg (Wümme). E = Electric.

LOS IQ 33 E Electric vehicle series (including hybrids) since 2015. Registration from the normal series. LOS = Landkreis Oder-Spree (since 1994). E = Electric.

LOS IQ 33 E Close-up of the above.

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