Adrian Kot submitted the first photos.

Normal series 1956-76. X = Wrocławskie province. Letters after the numerals in some provinces
since 1964.

Normal series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. DW = Wrocław town in D = Dolnośląskie province.
The first of the DW series.
Grzegorz Labe of
submitted the next six photos. He makes it one better than Adrian
above with both the first and last of the series.

Normal series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. SY = Bytom in S = Śląskie province. First and last of
the initial SY series.

Personalised series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. W = Mazowieckie province.

Police series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. HP = Police. HPP = Śląskie province.

Military series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. U = Army. UA = Cars, offroad vehicles and
specialistic vehicles based on cars or off-roaders.

Test plate series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. P = Wielkopolskie province. B = Test plates.
Piotr Grabowski from Poland submitted this photo. It dates from October 2005. Eurobands were
introduced in May 2006, so this euroband is not official, but a sticker. It is however possible for
owners with older plates to request europlates. SC = Częstochowa town in S = Śląskie province.

Ergon from Poland submitted this photo. Read his own explanation below:

"An electric car Melex (made in Poland) with registration plates of 1956-1976 series. The letters
mean: H - województwo opolskie (Opole Voivodship), HV - Opole city (for sure it is from Opole, but
I can't be sure if it was the only possible combination for Opole). The plates are no longer valid, of
course. The vehicle is owned by a public company and the plates are on it "for fun", I guess. It is
being used only within the company, so it may have such plates. Nowadays such vehicles in Poland
need no registration plates any more. The photo is taken by my friend on my request."
Adrian Kot from Poland submitted the rest of the photos on this page.
Some cars with plates in the 2000 onwards historical vehicle series, 2000-06 plate style:

PO = Poznań town in Wielkopolskie province.

DW = Wrocław town in Dolnośląskie province.

WND = Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki in Mazowieckie province.

KTT = Powiat Tatrzański (Zakopane) in Małopolskie province.

Military series since 2000. 2000-06 plate style. U = Army. UG = Special vehicles based on trucks or
off-road trucks.

Military plates of the 1976-2000 series. U = Army. Some military vehicles simply have the
registration painted onto the vehicle.