Normal series since 2001. Front plate. F = Forest and Fens. FR = Lincoln. 12 = 1.3.2012-

Normal series since 2001. Front plate. L = London. LF = Wimbledon. 55 = 1.9.2005-
28.2.2006. This is actually an age related mark issued to an import vehicle.

Normal series since 2001. Front plate. American size. The first N = North East. NC = Newcastle-
upon-Tyne. 62 = 1.9.2012-28.2.2013.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. S = Scotland. SV = Aberdeen. 60 = 1.9.2010-28.2.2011.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. F = Forest and Fens. FH = Nottingham. 06 = 1.3.2006-

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. American size. H = Hampshire. HY = Portsmouth. 58 =

Normal series since 2001. Motorcycle. S = Scotland. SX = Inverness. 16 = 1.3.2016-31.8.2016.

Normal series since 2001. Front plate. N = North East. NL = Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 23 = 1.3.2023-31.8.2023.
With UK and the Union Jack in the blue band.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. G = Garden of England. GU = Brighton. 22 = 1.3.2022-31.8.2022.
With UK and the Union Jack in the blue band.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. W = West of England. WA = Exeter. 22 = 1.3.2022-
31.8.2022. With UK and the Union Jack.

Normal series since 2001. Motorcycle. E = Essex. EG = Chelmsford. 19 = 1.3.2019-31.8.2019.
With UK and the Union Jack.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. L = London. LM = Borehamwood (since 2006). 14 =
1.3.2014-31.8.2014. This plate has the flag of England.

Normal series since 2001. Front plate. KP = Northampton. 11 = 1.3.2011-31.8.2011. This plate has
the flag of Wales. CYMRU = Wales.

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. V = Severn Valley. VK = Worcester. 14 = 1.3.2014-
31.8.2014. This plate has the flag of Wales.

Personalised series since 2001. Front plate. 02 = 1.3.2002-31.8.2002 (but the vehicle may be
newer). No area coding, this coach has DC = Delta Coaches and BUS.

Personalised series since 2001. Rear plate. 06 = 1.3.2006-31.8.2006 (but the vehicle may be
newer). No area coding, certain letters reserved for the select scheme.

Personalised series since 2001. Rear plate. 10 = 1.3.2010-31.8.2010 (but the vehicle may be
newer). No area coding. This is a repeater plate on a bus trailer.

Personalised series since 2001. Motorcycle. 11 = 1.3.2011-31.8.2011 (but the vehicle may be
newer). No area coding, certain letters reserved for the select scheme.

Normal series since 2001. Front plate. C = Wales (Cymru). CK = Cardiff. 20 = 1.3.2020-31.8.2020.
Green band = Zero emission vehicles (since 2020).

Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. L = London. LB = Wimbledon. 70 = 1.9.2020-28.2.2021.
Green band = Zero emission vehicles (since 2020).