Flag of the United Kingdom




Great Britain normal series front plate FR12 UBB.jpg (123 kB)
Great Britain normal series front plate close-up FR12 UBB.jpg (50 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. F = Forest and Fens. FR = Lincoln. 12 = 1.3.2012- 31.8.2012.

Great Britain normal series front plate LF55 WPP.jpg (144 kB)
Great Britain normal series front plate close-up LF55 WPP.jpg (124 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. L = London. LF = Wimbledon. 55 = 1.9.2005- 28.2.2006. This is actually an age related mark issued to an import vehicle.

Great Britain normal series front plate NC62 NFY.jpg (136 kB)
Great Britain normal series front plate close-up NC62 NFY.jpg (94 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. American size. The first N = North East. NC = Newcastle- upon-Tyne. 62 = 1.9.2012-28.2.2013.

Great Britain normal series rear plate SV60 NNB.jpg (155 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate close-up SV60 NNB.jpg (55 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. S = Scotland. SV = Aberdeen. 60 = 1.9.2010-28.2.2011.

Great Britain normal series rear plate FH06 OGZ.jpg (119 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate close-up FH06 OGZ.jpg (94 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. F = Forest and Fens. FH = Nottingham. 06 = 1.3.2006- 31.8.2006.

Great Britain normal series rear plate American size HY58 BUH.jpg (116 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate American size close-up HY58 BUH.jpg (60 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. American size. H = Hampshire. HY = Portsmouth. 58 = 1.9.2008-28.2.2009.

Great Britain normal series motorcycle SX16 COU.jpg (123 kB)
Great Britain normal series motorcycle close-up SX16 COU.jpg (106 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Motorcycle. S = Scotland. SX = Inverness. 16 = 1.3.2016-31.8.2016.

Great Britain normal series front plate NL23 XCV.jpg (87 kB)
Great Britain normal series front plate close-up NL23 XCV.jpg (45 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. N = North East. NL = Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 23 = 1.3.2023-31.8.2023. With UK and the Union Jack in the blue band.

Great Britain normal series rear plate GU22 YNH.jpg (93 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. G = Garden of England. GU = Brighton. 22 = 1.3.2022-31.8.2022. With UK and the Union Jack in the blue band.

Great Britain normal series rear plate WA22 LVJ.jpg (111 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate close-up WA22 LVJ.jpg (53 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. W = West of England. WA = Exeter. 22 = 1.3.2022- 31.8.2022. With UK and the Union Jack.

Great Britain normal series motorcycle EG19 CCD.jpg (191 kB)
Great Britain normal series motorcycle close-up EG19 CCD.jpg (113 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Motorcycle. E = Essex. EG = Chelmsford. 19 = 1.3.2019-31.8.2019. With UK and the Union Jack.

Great Britain normal series rear plate LM14 NHB.jpg (134 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate close-up LM14 NHB.jpg (66 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. L = London. LM = Borehamwood (since 2006). 14 = 1.3.2014-31.8.2014. This plate has the flag of England.

Great Britain normal series front plate KP11 XXB.jpg (132 kB)
Great Britain normal series front plate close-up KP11 XXB.jpg (56 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. KP = Northampton. 11 = 1.3.2011-31.8.2011. This plate has the flag of Wales. CYMRU = Wales.

Great Britain normal series rear plate VK14 ZZX.jpg (134 kB)
Great Britain normal series rear plate close-up VK14 ZZX.jpg (75 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. V = Severn Valley. VK = Worcester. 14 = 1.3.2014- 31.8.2014. This plate has the flag of Wales.

Great Britain personalised series front plate DC02 BUS.jpg (137 kB)
Great Britain personalised series front plate close-up DC02 BUS.jpg (50 kB)
Personalised series since 2001. Front plate. 02 = 1.3.2002-31.8.2002 (but the vehicle may be newer). No area coding, this coach has DC = Delta Coaches and BUS.

Great Britain personalised series rear plate MY06 FUN.jpg (124 kB)
Great Britain personalised series rear plate close-up MY06 FUN.jpg (33 kB)
Personalised series since 2001. Rear plate. 06 = 1.3.2006-31.8.2006 (but the vehicle may be newer). No area coding, certain letters reserved for the select scheme.

Great Britain personalised series rear plate LE10 BUS.jpg (158 kB)
Great Britain personalised series rear plate close-up LE10 BUS.jpg (88 kB)
Personalised series since 2001. Rear plate. 10 = 1.3.2010-31.8.2010 (but the vehicle may be newer). No area coding. This is a repeater plate on a bus trailer.

Great Britain personalised series motorcycle TD11 EYS.jpg (175 kB)
Great Britain personalised series motorcycle close-up TD11 EYS.jpg (111 kB)
Personalised series since 2001. Motorcycle. 11 = 1.3.2011-31.8.2011 (but the vehicle may be newer). No area coding, certain letters reserved for the select scheme.

Great Britain normal series zero emission vehicle front plate CK20 VVW.jpg (125 kB)
Great Britain normal series zero emission vehicle front plate close-up CK20 VVW.jpg (62 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Front plate. C = Wales (Cymru). CK = Cardiff. 20 = 1.3.2020-31.8.2020. Green band = Zero emission vehicles (since 2020).

Great Britain normal series zero emission vehicle rear plate LB70 XYM.jpg (99 kB)
Great Britain normal series zero emission vehicle rear plate close-up LB70 XYM.jpg (50 kB)
Normal series since 2001. Rear plate. L = London. LB = Wimbledon. 70 = 1.9.2020-28.2.2021. Green band = Zero emission vehicles (since 2020).


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