Nico Dietrich submitted two photos taken in Praha in 2005.
Diplomatic series 2001-04. DD = Diplomatic status. No country coding.
Military series since 1987. 1987-94 plate style. Since 1993 with secret coding. Black on white =
Staff cars.
Pavel Erben from Praha submitted some photos taken in 2005.
Temporary series. Valid maximum 10 days. A = Praha city.
Diplomatic series since 2004. XX = Non-diplomatic embassy staff. No country coding.
Normal series 1960-2001. Since 1966 with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate style.
ME = Mělník.
Tractor series 1960-98. 1962-86 plate style. A = Praha. Front and rear plate.
Trade plate series since 1984. 1984-86 plate style. 1984-2001 with hyphen. H = Eastern Bohemia.
Trade plate series since 1984. 1986-94 plate style. 1984-2001 with hyphen. B = Southern Moravia.
Test plate series since 1984. 1994-2001 plate style. 1984-2001 with hyphen. F = Manufacturers
Matej submitted this photo.
Export series since 2001. 2001 onwards plate style. Z = Zlínský kraj. E = Export. Valid until end of
August 2005.
Rosta Uhlar submitted the next photo from 2005.
Historical vehicle series 2001-06. 2004-06 plate style. V = Historical vehicle.
Matej submitted the last photo.
Tractor and special vehicle series since 2001. 2001 onwards plate style. T = Moravskoslezský kraj.