Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1986-94 plate
style. CB = České Budějovice.
Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1986-94 plate
style. BN = Benešov.
Commercial series 1960-98. 1994-2001 plate style. JE = Jeseník (since 1996).
Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate
style. CV = Chomutov.
Commercial series 1960-98. Since the 1970s with a third letter in some provinces. 1994-2001 plate
style. BS = Brno town.
Commercial series 1998-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. Numbering blocks from the normal series
were used. HO = Hodonín.
Commercial series 1998-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. Numbering blocks from the normal series
were used. OC = Olomouc.
Commercial trailer series 1960-98. 1953-86 plate style. A = Praha.
Commercial trailer series 1960-98. 1986-94 plate style. ME = Mělník.
Commercial trailer series 1960-98. 1994-2001 plate style. TP = Teplice.
Commercial trailer series 1960-98. Since the early 1980s with a third letter in some provinces.
1994-2001 plate style. PR = Přerov.
Small trailer series 1977-98. 1977-86 plate style. UL = Ústi nad Labem.
Small trailer series 1977-98. Since 1986 with a third letter. 1986-94 plate style. The first A = Praha.
Small trailer series 1977-98. Since 1986 with a third letter. 1994-2001 plate style. VS = Vsetín.
Small trailer series 1998-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. Numbering blocks from the normal series
were used. NA = Náchod.
Small trailer for hire series 1984-98. 1984-86 plate style. Red on white = For hire. Numbering
blocks from the normal small trailer series were used. BM = Brno town.
Motorcycle series 1960-98. 1962-86 plate style. KI = Karviná.
Motorcycle series 1960-98. 1962-86 plate style. 1962-77 with a fifth numeral in some provinces. TP
= Teplice.
Motorcycle series 1960-98. 1962-86 plate style. OP = Opava.
Motorcycle series 1998-2001. Numbering blocks from the normal series were used. 1994-2001 plate
style. A = Praha.
Motorcycle series since 2001. 2001-04 plate style. T = Moravskoslezský kraj.
Foreigner series 1977-2001. 1986-94 plate style. No country coding since 1990. A = Praha.
Foreigner series 1977-2001. 1994-2001 plate style. No country coding since 1990. A = Praha.
Diplomatic series 1978-2001. Since 1988 with a serial letter. 1986-94 plate style. DD = Diplomatic.
46 = Norway.