(and in many cases still issued as cherished marks etc.)

Normal series 1953-64. YU = Greater London. With the addition of a UK sticker following the
change of international distinguishing sign in 2021.

Normal series 1953-64. Motorcycle. LA = Greater London. Since 1975 front plates for motorcycles
are no longer required.

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. DE = Pembrokeshire in Wales. C = 1.1.1965-
31.12.1965. This is actually an age related mark. It is not the original registration, but one that fits
the age of the vehicle.

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. American size. NC = Manchester. The last A =

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. UJ = Shropshire. K = 1.8.1971-31.7.1972.

Normal series 1963-83. Motorcycle. Black plates until 1973. HH = Carlisle. K = 1.8.1971-

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. OD = Devon. K = 1.8.1971-31.7.1972.

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. HJ = Southend-on-Sea. E = 1.1.1967-31.7.1967.

Normal series 1963-83. Black plates until 1973. American size. GC = Greater London. D =

Normal series 1963-83. Motorcycle. Black plates until 1973. PO = Sussex, West. C = 1.1.1965-

Normal series 1904-64 remade as a cherished number in 1973 onwards style. Front plate. G
denoted Glasgow in Scotland, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply. This
plate could just as well have been from Gibraltar, but I checked the tax disc and spoke to the
owner, who claimed the registration was more worth than the car itself.

Normal series 1904-64 remade as a cherished number in 1973 onwards style. Rear plate. E
denoted Staffordshire, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Normal series 1904-64 remade as a cherished number in 2001 onwards style. FB denoted Bath,
but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Normal series 1904-64 remade as a cherished number in 1973 onwards style. MC denoted
Middlesex, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.

Normal series 1904-64 remade as a cherished number in 1973 onwards style. Front plate. GB
denoted Glasgow in Scotland, but for cherished numbers the district coding doesn't apply.