Flag of Iceland




Iceland normal series OO R31.jpg (110 kB)
Iceland normal series close-up OO R31.jpg (57 kB)
Normal series since 2007. 2004 onwards plate style. No coding.

Iceland normal series motorcycle YT-N21.jpg (199 kB)
Iceland normal series motorcycle close-up YT-N21.jpg (126 kB)
Normal series since 2007. Motorcycle. 2004 onwards plate style. No coding.

Iceland normal series moped EL-S38.jpg (125 kB)
Iceland normal series moped close-up EL-S38.jpg (75 kB)
Moped series since 2007. 2001 onwards plate style. White on blue = Moped. Registration from the normal series.


Iceland former normal series E 58.jpg (19 kB)
Normal series 1937-88. E = Akranes.

Iceland former normal series D 598.jpg (18 kB)
Normal series 1937-88. D = Dalasýsla.

Iceland former normal series G 4099.jpg (21 kB)
Normal series 1937-88. G = Gullbringu og Kjósarsýsla.

Iceland former normal series G 24443.jpg (21 kB)
Normal series 1937-88. G = Gullbringu og Kjósarsýsla.

Iceland former trailer series GT 155.jpg (26 kB)
Trailer series 1937-88. G = Gullbringu og Kjósarsýsla. T = Trailer.

Iceland former normal series NM 710.jpg (128 kB)
Iceland former normal series close-up NM 710.jpg (45 kB)
Normal series 1989-2007. 1989-2004 plate style. No coding.

Iceland former normal series IÞ-303.jpg (25 kB)
Normal series 1989-2007. 1989-2004 plate style. No coding.

Iceland former normal series American size YN-889.jpg (125 kB)
Iceland former normal series American size close-up YN-889.jpg (74 kB)
Normal series 1989-2007. American size. 1989-2004 plate style. No coding.

Iceland former normal series American size trailer MZ-582.jpg (23 kB)
Normal series 1989-2007. American size. 1989-2004 plate style. Trailer with no validation sticker. No coding.

Iceland former normal series motorcycle GU-847.jpg (171 kB)
Iceland former normal series motorcycle close-up GU-847.jpg (94 kB)
Normal series 1989-2007. Motorcycle. 1989-2004 plate style. No coding.

Iceland personalised series former style U 117.jpg (34 kB)
Personalised series since 1997. 1997-2004 plate style. The driver told me this was his registration in the former series, where U = Suður Múlasýsla.

Iceland personalised series former style R 191.jpg (20 kB)
Personalised series since 1997. 1997-2004 plate style. The driver told me this was his registration in the former series, where R = Reykjavik.

Iceland personalised series former style G 446.jpg (41 kB)
Personalised series since 1997. American size. 1997-2004 plate style. It is likely that this is the owner's registration in the former series, where G = Gullbringu og Kjósarsýsla.

Iceland personalised series former style A 7200.jpg (59 kB)
Personalised series since 1997. 1997-2004 plate style. It is likely that this was the owner's registration in the former series, where A = Eyjafjarðarsýsla (Akureyri).

Iceland personalised series former style VÍVÍ.jpg (19 kB)
Personalised series since 1997. 1997-2004 plate style.


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