Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2005 in some districts. GWE
= Wejherowo in G = Pomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2005 in some districts. GWE
= Wejherowo in G = Pomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2005 in some districts. RDE =
Dębica in R = Podkarpackie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2005 in some districts. CIN =
Inowrocław in C = Kujawsko-Pomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. PKN
= Konin powiat in P = Wielkopolskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. DWR
= Wrocław powiat in D = Dolnośląskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some
districts. DWR = Wrocław powiat in D = Dolnośląskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. FSD
= Strzelce Krajeńskie (powiat Strzelecko-Drezdenecki) in F = Lubuskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. ZSW
= Świnoujście in Z = Zachodniopomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. WCI
= Ciechanów in W = Mazowieckie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. GWE
= Wejherowo in G = Pomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. LUB
= Lublin powiat in L = Lubelskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. ZKL =
Kołobrzeg in Z = Zachodniopomorskie province.

Normal series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. This format since 2006 in some districts. ZKL
= Kołobrzeg in Z = Zachodniopomorskie province.

Electrical and hydrogen powered vehicle series since 2020. Red border of the sticker = Electric
vehicles. Registration from the normal series. WW = Warszawa-Włochy in W = Mazowieckie

Motorcycle series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. EL = Łódź town in E = Łódzkie province.

Motorcycle series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. WD = Warszawa-Bielany in W =
Mazowieckie province.

Motorcycle series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. WU = Warszawa-Ochota in W =
Mazowieckie province.

Motorcycle series since 2000. 2006 onwards plate style. DW = Wrocław town in D = Dolnośląskie