Flag of Norway

Code list for Norwegian
diplomatic license plates

Vehicles of foreign diplomats in Norway have the letters CD (Corps Diplomatique) followed by four or five numerals in yellow on a reflective blue plate.

Four numerals for motorcycles, trailers, caravans and even tractors. (The US embassy used to have a small tractor for use in their garden). Five for cars, vans, buses, minibuses and lorries.

The first two numerals are a code for the embassy or delegation:

10 - United States of America
(Discontinued by 5.11.2001. US embassy vehicles now use normal series Oslo plates)
11 - Argentina
12 - Afghanistan (since 2005)
14 - Belgium
15 - Brazil
16 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Discontinued. Since 2002 UK embassy vehicles use normal series Oslo plates, except for the ambassador's car on official occasions).
17 - Bulgaria
18 - Philippines (since 2008)
19 - International Barents Secretariat (in Kirkenes)(since 2008)

20 - Canada
21 - Chile
22 - Colombia
23 - Cuba
24 - Costa Rica (Obsolete since 2015)
25 - Algeria (since 2008)
26 - Denmark
27 - South Sudan (since 2012)
28 - European Union (Delegation)
29 - Egypt

30 - Burundi (2012-2018) [Ecuador (Obsolete)]
31 - Estonia
32 - Georgia (since 2013)
33 - Finland
34 - France
35 - United Nations Development Programme (since 2004)
36 - United Arab Emirates (since 2014)
37 - Greece
38 - Ghana (since 2019)
39 - International Organization for Migration (since 2017)

40 - India
41 - Indonesia
42 - Iran
43 - Iceland
44 - Israel (Discontinued. Since 2002 Israeli embassy vehicles use normal series Oslo plates, except for the ambassador's car on official occasions).
45 - Italy
46 - Iraq (since 2008)
47 - Saudi Arabia (since 2011)
48 - Japan
49 - Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro)

50 - Jordan (since 2017)
51 - Kazakhstan (since 2007)
52 - People's Republic of China
53 - Republic of Korea (South Korea)
54 - Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)(Obsolete since 1995)
55 - Croatia
56 - Morocco
57 - Mexico (Embassy closed in 2002, re-opened in 2014)
58 - Myanmar (since 2015)
59 - Kosovo (since 2020)

60 - Netherlands
61 - El Salvador (since 2023)
62 - Pakistan
63 - Panama (Obsolete)
64 - Poland
65 - Portugal
66 - Palestine
67 - Peru (since 2019)
68 - Romania
69 - Kuwait (since 2023)

70 - Angola (since 2024)
71 - Russian Federation (including Consulate General in Kirkenes and Barentsburg)
72 - Spain
73 - Switzerland
74 - Sweden
75 - South Africa
76 - Thailand
77 - Czechia
78 - Turkey
79 - German Democratic Republic (Obsolete since 1991)

80 - Germany
81 - Tunisia
82 - Ukraine
83 - Hungary
86 - Venezuela
87 - Vietnam (since 2010)
88 - North Macedonia (since 2010)
89 - Austria

90 - Slovakia
91 - Lithuania
92 - Guatemala (Obsolete)
93 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
94 - Latvia
95 - Sudan
96 - Sri Lanka
97 - Ireland

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