Flag of Norway

Highest sightings of
Norwegian license plates

These are highest sightings of normal series plates. Since 2009 white, green and other colour plates are no longer in separate blocks. New The archive is now updated for end of 2024.

Since 2012 aluminium plates in 2006 style are again used. They are shown in normal lettering. Plastic plates in 2009 style are shown in bold lettering. Aluminium plates in 2002 style in italic lettering. Aluminium plates in 1971 style (reflective since 1982) in underlined lettering.

    Two highest Date Complete
Halden AA 78182 78161 28.1.25  
Sarpsborg AE 66495 66345 13.1.25 AD
Mysen AJ 96403 96360 27.10.24  
Fredrikstad AS 70101 70022 21.2.25 AR
Moss AY 47272 47156 7.2.25 AX
Drøbak (Follo) BE 34472 34402 9.1.25 BC,BD
Billingstad (Asker og Bærum) BU 42720 42219 27.1.25 BL,BN,BP,BR,BS,BT
DIPLOMATIC CD See separate page  
Lillestrøm (Romerike) CH 23231 23130 22.1.25 CC,CE,CF
Jessheim CX 14790 14765 1.2.25 CV
Oslo DS 35074 34900 9.2.25 DA,DB,DC,DD,DE,DF,DH,DJ,DK,DL,DN,DP,DR
ELECTRIC EN 21563 21146 26.2.25 EL,EK,EV,EB,EC,ED,EE,EF,EH,EJ
Snart har vi brukt opp EH-skiltene.
EX-MILITARY FE 10791 10243 15.8.23 FE 10034
Hamar FT 74532 74216 14.2.25 FS
GAS GA 14114 14069 6.2.25  
Elverum HB 89056 89028 13.1.25 FZ up to 10080 (green) registered by mistake June-November 2015.
Tynset HF 29539 29538 8.1.25 HF 90245 registered in 2006. (Photo: Kim Andersen).
Kongsvinger HK 19176 19136 23.1.25 HJ
Lillehammer HT 27585 27337 16.1.25 HS
FB up to 10098 (green plate) registered by mistake in June 2015. HV 16304 and HV 16401 registered in 2002.
HYDROGEN HY 10562 10559 5.12.23 First of the HY series.
Otta HZ 35275 35259 13.1.25  
Gjøvik JD 93780 93706 11.2.25 JC
Fagernes JR 35228 35119 29.1.25  
Hønefoss (Ringerike) JV 37145 37144 6.1.25 JU
Gol (Hallingdal) KB 54136 54049 25.2.25  
Drammen KJ 64166 64015 25.2.25 KE,KF,KH
Kongsberg KU 14686 14680 12.2.25 KT
First of the KU series.
Horten KZ 68182 68181 14.1.25  
Tønsberg LJ 87414 87408 25.2.25 LH
Larvik LS 97360 97305 23.2.25  
Sandefjord LY 89506 89483 1.11.24  
Skien NH 18388 18359 23.2.25 ND,NE,NF
Porsgrunn NN 18060 18054 Late 1980s Obsolete since 1974. Highest issued at least NN 18126.
Notodden NV 81627 81575 12.2.25  
Rjukan PA 22684 22651 25.11.24  
Arendal PD 76555 76373 23.2.25 PC
Setesdal PL 28780 28725 12.12.24  
Kristiansand PR 71108 70940 23.2.25 PN,PP
Mandal PX 69210 69165 5.7.24  
Flekkefjord RA 50191 50082 23.2.25  
Stavanger RL 68355 68122 27.1.25 RE,RF,RH,RJ,RK
Egersund RZ 46531 46440 30.12.24 RZ 71711 registered in 2006 to a 1971 Chevrolet Monte Carlo.
Haugesund SE 14127 14112 21.10.24 SC,SD
Bergen SX 36126 36121 30.1.25 SN,SP,SR,ST,SU,SV
Voss TF 33941 33935 26.2.25  
Stord TL 34641 34611 25.2.25  
Odda TS 30780 30764 3.2.25  
Førde TX 10277 10270 5.11.24 TV
TV-æraen er straks over.
Nordfjordeid UA 40807 40739 1.11.24  
Sogndal UC 33951 33920 16.1.25  
Ålesund UF 95776 95774 23.2.25 UE
Ørsta UN 40818 40789 15.9.24 BB up to 10091 registered by mistake June-November 2015.
Molde US 17495 17415 16.11.24 UR
Kristiansund UX 74453 74340 1.11.24  
Sunndalsøra VB 16409 16398 30.11.24  
Trondheim VJ 37123 36730 20.1.25 VD,VE,VF,VH
VP up to 10089 registered because of a mistake by the plate manufacturer in November 2001.
Støren VT 21511 21490 2.3.24 VS up to 10040 registered by mistake August-October 2006.
Orkdal VX 48388 48252 20.11.23  
Brekstad XA 20403 20400 20.12.23  
Steinkjer XD 92365 92062 11.2.25  
Levanger XK 30853 30750 29.8.24 XL
Levanger commenced issues from XL 10000, but from 1.1.2002 XK has been used. XL reached 36009.
Stjørdal XN 47317 47277 5.6.24  
Namsos XR 72116 71982 14.12.24  
Mosjøen XV 73971 73970 11.2.25 FA up to 10085 registered by mistake June 2015-February 2016.
Mo i Rana YA 73886 73857 12.10.24  
Bodø YF 21566 21546 19.6.24 YE
EZ up to 10173 (green) registered by mistake June 2015-March 2016. See news article about EZ 10010.
Fauske YK 24380 24358 25.4.24  
Narvik YN 67519 67517 22.11.24  
Svolvær YT 76854 76713 29.1.25 YT 80000 registered in 2014 to a 1980 Chevrolet.
Sortland YU 50661 50581 22.11.24  
Harstad ZA 23384 23299 9.6.24 YZ
Tromsø ZH 65033 64924 14.1.25 ZE
FC up to 10214 registered by mistake June 2015-June 2016. See news article about FC 10170.
Finnsnes ZD 27698 27607 20.1.25 ZF
ZD up to 10004 registered by mistake 27.-29.11.2001. After reaching ZF 99999 in May 2004, ZD continued. Square ZD 99069 in 2002-style registered 15.7.2004. EX up to 10006 registered by mistake June-July 2015.
Svalbard ZN 13763 13755 11.2.25  
Storslett FK 14743 14741 13.2.25  
Vadsø ZP 48625 48519 10.9.23 FR up to 10034 registered by mistake June-September 2015.
Kirkenes ZS 24940 24878 5.3.24 EY up to 10020 registered by mistake June-October 2015.
Alta ZT 58127 58037 19.12.24  
Hammerfest ZX 24817 24760 7.1.24  
Lakselv ZZ 37452 37359 26.2.25  
Thanks to the following for contributing in 2025: Cato Stenmark, Frode Samuelsen, Harald Johansen, Jon Arild Skedsmo, Lars Ihle, Arild Gill, Johan Xt. Olsen, Stein Arild Berg, Stig Carlsson, Helge A. Fjelltun, Kim Andersen and Svein Sørensen.
Harstad (YZ) jumped from 45925 to 89920 because of a new computer system. Similar situations occured in Setesdal (PL), Stavanger (RH/RJ), Mosjøen (XV), Mo i Rana (YA), Fauske (YK), Svolvær (YT), Tromsø (ZE), Finnsnes (ZF), Storslett (FK), Vadsø (ZP) and Kirkenes (ZS). Skien (NE) skipped around 30 000, Steinkjer (XD) around 3000, Stjørdal (XN) around 4000 and Narvik (YN) around 4000 numbers previously reserved for green plates.

Since October 2001 a new centralized computer system is in use. The use of large separate blocks of numbers for green plates has been abandoned and all issues have jumped ahead to the highest series. For example Harstad jumped ahead from YZ 45924 to the end of YZ 89900.

Have you seen any higher? Contact Olavsplates and I will include them in the list.

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